
Your voice carries sexual cues!

In this virtual world, making it way too easy for people to cheat, DO YOU TRUST YOUR PARTNER?

Who is your poisonous friend?

10 essentials in a partner - You've gone out three times and you think this new person is great. these are the things you should look out for – beyond the looks, that is

Nico & Vinz - Am I Wrong [Official Music Video]

Wife Swapping With An African Tribal Touch In Namibia

Women find flashy men more desirable?

When erections go wrong....

Life’s a (nude) beach

Can your relationship survive an affair? There are few things in life that are more devastating than finding out that your spouse or lover has been having an affair. Can a relationship survive something like this?

Break-up survival kit: Getting dumped must be one of the worst experiences out there. Here's how you can get through it step by step.