25 romance-wreckers

Love is a temporary insanity, as all those know who have ever lost their hearts to a stranger. Here are 25 signs that a new relationship is heading for disaster.

There are certain telltale signs early on in a relationship that ‘the path of this love may never run smooth’:

  • You are hesitant to introduce your new partner to your parents or friends
  • You are sure you will eventually get used to the smell of smoke
  • Your idea of a good movie is a three-handkerchief affair while your partner prefers the latest in the schlock-horror genre
  • You like to sleep in, while your partner prefers the early morning for marathon training sessions
  • Your partner kisses with his/her eyes open
  • You belong to two book clubs, while your new partner’s reading skills are restricted to figuring out instructions on DIY kits
  • You are a dog person and she is a cat person
  • Her ex-boyfriend hides behind a shop display when he sees her approaching
  • He takes you to a cheap franchise restaurant on a first date
  • You really mind that she messes red wine on your couch
  • You think her children are undisciplined and demanding brats
  • Your partner has an uncertain and erratic employment history, yet drives a fancy car
  • You lose the battle for her attention to computer games on a Saturday night
  • Your partner is using a credit card that bears a different surname to his own
  • You find out that there are three ex-husbands lurking in the background – and she is only 29
  • Your new partner is rude to waitresses in restaurants
  • There are certain phone calls your partner will not answer in your presence
  • You get a box of chocolates for Christmas, his daughter gets a car
  • He/she never opens bank statements or accounts
  • Your new partner constantly badmouths previous partners
  • You like food from delis – she likes McDonalds Burgers
  • You find your partner’s ID Book on the floor – and realise she has subtracted 8 years from her real age
  • Your partner wants to have children with you, but shows little interest in those he already has
  • She does not seem to have any friends who have known her for longer than six months
The answer is simple – get out while you can still do so with minimal damage to yourself and your self-esteem.
(Susan Erasmus, Health24, updated)


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