Some of the findings from the 2012 Durex Global Sex Survey will have you shaking your head in disbelief, excited at the prospect of having sex with your socks on and shocked at some of your fiends’ attitudes to their sexual health.
Above all, it’s an eye-opener that might have you thinking hard about sexual health. The survey saw 30000 participants in 37 countries taking part and these were the results:
- Who is sexting who? Sexting is becoming more popular as we see 1 in 5 individuals making sexting part of their relationship.
- A 47.3% of people say you can still have great sex without loving your partner.
- Vibrators are cool as we see 1 in 5 people using vibrators regularly as part of their sex lives.
- Surprisingly 44.4% of people say they are unsure of all the things to do when it comes to sex.
- There are 37% of people that agree it is acceptable to have sex on the first date.
- The number of erections the average man will have is 11 a day.
- 80% of people who wear socks reach orgasm! Talk about making socks sexy.
- A routine sex life is a reality for 43,4% of people surveyed.
- Between 6 and 9 billion condoms are used collectively across the world each year.
- Over half of the people surveyed, 52.5 % to be exact, said for them sex gets better as they get older.
- When it comes to health and well-being 4 in 5 people agree that sex is good for you.
- Unfortunately, only 19% of women enjoyed their 1st sexual experience compared to half of men
- Interestingly, 22% of people have slept with only one person
- International standards say that a condom should hold18 litres of air; Durex will typically hold 40 litres.
- Talking about sex isn’t so taboo; 78.4% of people agree society is more open to talking about sex.
- Women are most easily excited between 8am and 10am #morningglory.
- The Durex survey reveals that 40% of 18-24 year olds are still virgins.
- A significant and worrying 41% of people have had sex without protection against pregnancy and STIs.
- Fantasies are becoming a reality, with 51% of people taking part in them, as part of their sex lives.
Press release, Durex via
Image: Shutterstock
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