Most people watch porn or have watched it before. Thanks to the rise (excuse the pun) in content available and easy access to it via your smartphones and tablets, most people enjoy watching porn in various ways. A new study has found that there are 3 ways that people watch porn, and only one is considered as “healthy”.
The study focused on 830 participants’ habits when they watch porn. The study concluded that there are three ways participants watch porn:
- Recreational,
- Compulsive, and
- Distressed.
The study found that of the people who watch porn, 75.5% do so recreationally, 12.7% were highly distressed and 11.8% watch porn compulsively.
So what does all of this mean for people who watch porn? According to the study, recreational porn watchers reported sexual satisfaction and lower sexual compulsivity, avoidance, and dysfunction. This is compared to people who watch porn compulsively, who reported a much lower sexual satisfaction and dysfunction, and higher sexual compulsiveness and avoidance. The study further found that highly distressed porn watchers reported lowered sexual satisfaction and sexual compulsiveness, and more sexual dysfunction and avoidance.
Women were found to watch porn more in the recreational category, whereas men were more likely to be in the compulsive porn watching category.
Each category watch porn for various amounts of time a week:
- Recreational: 24 minutes of porn watching a week;
- Distress: 17 minutes of porn watching a week; and
- Compulsive: a massive 110 minutes of porn watching a week.
The study concluded that only people who watch porn recreationally do so healthily. Users who fall under the distressed and compulsive categories display porn watching behaviours that aren’t considered to be psychologically healthy.
Do you think it’s healthy for adults to enjoy porn, and if so, what amount do you consider to be healthy? Drop us a comment below and let us know.
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