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Divorce porn: One unhappy ending

Sociologists have found that married couples who watch pornography almost double their risk of divorce. Wives are just as keen as husbands to watch adult material, but if they start watching porn while married they are almost three times more likely to want a divorce. According to the Daily Mail, sociologists from the University of Oklahoma interviewed thousands of married couples regularly over several years. They discovered that pornography had an effect on happily married couples, the newly married and those from nonreligious households. Couples who were classified as having a very happy marriage and watched porn, were found to have an increase from 3% to 12% in the likelihood of getting divorced by the next survey. The findings come as other research shows that as many as one in three women watch adult content at least once a week. Those from unhappy marriages, the study found, were unaffected by pornography. The study also found that, where wives stopped watc...

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